Sidewalk Cafe Gig
Hi Kate, Natasha, Jake, 'Bert, and Jake and Bert's Dad. I see you all remained anonymous. I respect that.
Hello, Dennis Quaid. Can I call you Dennis? I will be just as happy to call you Dennis Quaid, or Mr. Quaid. It's a matter of how well we really know each other. Okay, this is a delicate subject. I noticed that you referred to me as Jen when you signed the guestbook. From that gesture, I am to assume that you know me well enough to call me by not only my first name, but by a shortened version of it. I am to assume that you know me that well because my blog has shown you my soul. I really admired your work in In Good Company. Mr. Quaid, I'm looking at your filmography on the imdb, and I hate to say this, but it's been a while since I've seen you in anything. I don't remember you in Traffic. I saw Wyatt Earp, but that was back in '94! If it means anything, I think you're better looking than Harrison Ford. I have to be honest with you, Mr. Quaid. The fact that you have signed my guestbook makes me feel really awkward and self-conscious. On the one hand, it's nice to have some publicity, and I hope you are really enjoying my tales of adventure. On the other hand, are you stalking me or something? I am only 27 years old. You are 24 years older than me. I have a boyfriend. I hope you can respect that. I do not want to discourage you from reading my writing, if you are reading it with an honest conscience. I just hope, Mr. Quaid, that you are as good-hearted a person as your character Dan Foreman. Thanks.
Hey you guys, I got another gig with those guys I played with on Tuesday! I should ask Portishead if I can play with them. Or Radiohead. Or Cheesehead, for that matter. The guy with the dredlocks is named Itamar. I think he goes by Etooch, though. Who knows. Here's a Flyer: (I really like the exclamation point after theremin.) !