I got tagged. Now I have to tell you 5 things about me that you don't know.
Eliza did this to me. Evidently, this is a blog game.
OKAY! I'll play! Stop poking me.
If you are reading this and have heard one of these 5 secrets of mine, you are one of maybe 2-5 people IN THE WHOLE WORLD that knows these things, so please don't call me out on it. . .
Here goes:
1. ) This is something I just found out yesterday: The kidney stone that I had in August never passed and now it has grown. It was 2mm in August. Then I ran a marathon and it grew to 5mm. So, I'm just sitting around at home with some percocet ready, drinking water, and waiting for it to pass before I go to Vegas this weekend. HOORAY!!

3.) Speaking of China, I am currently eating leftover Chinese food.
4.) When I am home in Atlanta, I watch the TV show Charmed almost every day. It comes on from 8am to 10am, weekdays on TNT. I don't always catch the full 2 hours, because I will only watch the show if no one else is in the room (out of obvious embarrassment) and my parents wake up between 9am and 10am.
5.) Someday, hopefully before I'm 40, I want to have a huge family -- meaning a husband and more than 2 kids. And I want to live in a noisy house where the doors are always open to visitors and the kitchen is always fully stocked. I guess what I'm saying is, I may have eclectic tastes, but I want to live a typical American life. Someday.
Now I will tag 5 people.
Becky Y.
Frannie P.
Go to it!!
You are 5-things less mysterious now!
Charmed is my signal that I HAVE to get up off the couch and so something with my day. That said, I have watched a lot of Charmed.
January 18, 2007 3:22 PM
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