I may or may not be zoo-crazy.

The gorillas at Zoo Atlanta are very friendly and have, cumulatively, like, 7 babies. I could have watched them for hours . . .from the other side of glass, of course. The dirty glass. Give that gorilla some
windex, they have
opposable thumbs!

Cute kid and cute baby gorilla.

"G'day, ladies. Come on in, can I pour you a scotch?"

The Orangutan on the left is huge and dredlocked. They have the coolest habitat with at least 4 treehouses.

Seriously? They travel like this? This is the actual transport cage that Yang Yang the Giant Panda arrived in, via UPS(?) to live at the Atlanta Zoo.

This is either Lun Lun or Yang Yang. Again, I got a phone call while looking at a bear.
Anyway, Lun ^2 and Yang ^2 DID IT, and made this little guy(below), who will be named at a ceremony on December 15th. The new ^2 is about a month old and he stays inside a cave with the camera guy.

That camera guy has the best job ever.
November 30, 2006 9:51 PM
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