yeah, you included.
This morning, I was running late for work, so I went to the corner of Houston and C to get a cab. I was almost to the corner, and I saw a cab waiting at the light, so I picked up my pace a bit in order to catch the cab before the light turned green. There was a dude walking slightly in front of me, who didn't seem like he was going to need a cab. As soon as I started to lightly jog towards the cab, this dude in front of me breaks out into a sprint and jumps into the cab that I wanted. And when he gets in, he sits down and stares straight ahead! Of course, I wanted to stare him down. I was NOT trying to race this guy. I didn't even know that he was interested in taking a cab at ALL! It almost seemed like it was not his intention to take a taxi at all this morning, but instead he has a competition trigger. He couldn't stop himself from winning the cab! He might as well have just tagged the cab and then cheered or something.