yeah, you included.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

hey! who turned out the lights?

The moniter on my computer isn't working. HOW AM I TYPING THIS???

Well, I can see the screen, but it's wearing those really dark sunglasses that you get when you get your eyes dilated.

My computer screen is so chill.

I wonder if I'm making any typing mistakes.

Hey, at least I can see the screen a little bit. I went to the control panel and decreased the screen size. It's like I zoomed in on the screen. I'm reading and writing in like 18pt fun.

I just typed "fun" didn't I?

I'm gonna leave it.

You know what I meant.


I meant "font."

So, everything on the screen is larger than usual. And, if I tilt the screen back all the way, it catches enough light for me tosee enough.

I can't keep this up.

Anyone know how to fix this?

Is it over?

It was a free laptop, anyway. I'm not complaining.

I can still access my itunes.

I should go ahead and get that ipod, shouldn't I, to save my music. Anyone wanna contribute to my own save the music fun?

I typed "fun" again. Fund. I meant "fund."

I have so many photo's downloaded on this thing, too! Am I gonna have to get that picture ipod?

That's too expensive. I'll just save this computer until I figure out how to transfer the photos.

I think I'm about to go spend 63.04% of my paycheck this.

I've spent a lot of $$ on music.

Hammy: Hey, music, baby, you're so hot, you want some money? No, take it! I don't need it! I need you, baby.

Music: [music]

Hammy: That's what I'm talkin' about!


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