"I Heard THAT!"
As soon as I have a photo of Arnold/Howard, I'll tell you all about him.
Sometimes, Arnold dances into Julep.
Last night, he was wearing gray and he had lost his hat.
He told me that he was going to stay up until dawn in order to make his doctors appointments in the morning.
So, he put down his bags and ordered a Pabst and a Bloody Mary.
Most eighty-five year-old men can't do this.
Most eight-five year-old men aren't pool sharks, either.
He beckoned.
Then he just said, "Rodney Dangerfield died. He was 82."
I nodded and paused.
"He had a heart problem."
"He partied 'till the end!"
Were I the same age as Arnold/Howard, I would keep partying, too.
Then he gave me a gift.
"You want a car, precious?"
Of course I do.

It's Engine 19. FDNY no longer has an Engine 19. Engine 19 used to be a 1939 Ward LaFrance 1000 gallon pumper. The photo of this engine was replaced by a little red "x", but luckily, Engine 30 was a 1939WFL1000 at one time:

From Merriam-Webster OnLine:
Main Entry: car·a·vel
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French caravelle, from Old Portuguese caravela
: any of several sailing ships; specifically : a small 15th and 16th century ship that has broad bows, high narrow poop, and usually three masts with lateen or both square and lateen sails

Other caravelles:

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Luckily, prior to receiving Arnold/Howard's gift, I had found a slightly used matchbox hotrod with exposed engine on the steet. It had been in storage in a pretty plush garage in my bag. I couldn't accept Engine 19 without giving the Hotrod to Arnold/Howard. He was pretty enthusiastic about the trade.
Did that make me feel like a f-ing champion, or what.
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