yeah, you included.

Friday, December 03, 2004

CB's Gallery Gig

This is going to be an extremely self-indulgent entry, so please continue to remind yourself that I am indeed aware of this as you continue to read.

Everyone in the world is the main character of a story, okay?

So, sometimes it's a film, other times a novel, maybe it's been a play, and very often it's a really wacky dream (not neccessarily a nightmare) that combines all of these storytelling mediums.

So if high school freshmen were to analyze my character (up to this point in the story) in english class, there are several questions that the student should answer correctly on the quiz.

One question is:

What is the significance of the name Hammaker?

The name Hammaker is significant because of the two words "Ham" and "Maker" combined.

Here are some definitions from Mirriam and Webster combined:

"Main Entry: ham
Pronunciation: 'ham
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English hamme, from Old English hamm; akin to Old High German hamma ham, Greek knEmE shinbone, Old Irish cnáim bone
1 a : the hollow of the knee b : a buttock with its associated thigh -- usually used in plural
2 : a cut of meat consisting of a thigh; especially : one from a hog
3 [short for hamfatter, from "The Ham-fat Man," minstrel song] a : a showy performer; especially : an actor performing in an exaggerated theatrical style b : a licensed operator of an amateur radio station
4 : a cushion used especially by tailors for pressing curved areas of garments"


"Main Entry: maker
Pronunciation: 'mA-k&r
Function: noun
: one that makes : as a capitalized : GOD1 b archaic : POET c : a person who borrows money on a promissory note d : MANUFACTURER "

Many meanings can be found from the combination of these two words. All of which are perfectly valid and significant to the character.

The next question is:

Jennifer Hammaker is _______ .

a. a tragic and evil failure
b. an inevitably comedic character
c. a beautiful specimen of humanity that we all strive to emulate

I hope you all chose [b. an inevitably comedic character].

Inevitable means ( from Mirram-Webster Online) "incapable of being avoided or escaped."

I think that the inevitability of Jennifer's comedic nature emerges from her desire to be [c. a beautiful specimen of humanity that we all strive to emulate] and her fatal fears of being [a. a tragic and evil failure].

What do these questions have to do with the CB's gallery adventure of December 1, 2004?

Jennifer Hammaker honestly believes that when played very well, the theremin makes a beautiful sound. She did not choose to play this instrument because it was weird and wacky.

Jennifer did not choose the last name Hammaker because it was weird and wacky, either.

Both Jennifer's fascination and adoration of theremin music and her last name, Hammaker, were gifts that were given to her by unseen forces.

Divine forces of farce.

Gag gifts from that big Ricky's or Spencer's Gifts in the sky, perhaps.

But gifts!

I'll go back to speaking in first person now.

It is during the holiday season that I reflect upon these gifts with warmth and gratitude.

There are those less fortunate then I who did not get comedy for their birthday or for the holidays.

Let us bow our heads.


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