yeah, you included.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

PIRIOTS Explanation

Someone asked me "What the @&$% is PIRIOTS."

I guess some of you haven't been traveling with me from blog to blog, so I'll turn the light on about this sit-ch.

PIRIOTS is an acronymn for


This city freaks me out because I run into people all the time. People from high school, people from summer camp, people who I remember from 3 years ago that I met at a bar, people I worked with for one day, and celebrities.

I used to really go into detail about these encounters. That's just too much work. From now on, I'm just going to list the names of the people I run into without specifics as to what happened when I saw them.

So here's some since last time I wrote about it:

Jawnee Conroy
This girl that was in Amanda's carpool/shuttle in Jr. High - Elizabeth something?
Robert Sean Leonard
Matt Moses
Nicole Shalhoub and Katie
Nate Gerloff
Kathleen and Eli
Huckleberry Slim
Rob Huebel
Kirk D'Amato (SP? I always spell his name wrong.)
Erin Rose Foley
Kate Irvin
Sara Schaefer
Cabe (Caib?)
Maggie Gyllenhall

Jeez, there were so many more.

I didn't speak to some of these people. So if you googled yourself, and you found this, you're right. I KNOW WHO YOU ARE.


Blogger Mia said...

I predict you will be having a PIRIOTS experience with a buddy Biscuit on or around the 29th...

June 01, 2006 3:47 PM


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