yeah, you included.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Money Shrimp

Today, my boss wanted shrimp on his salad, so his assistant ordered 12 Tiger shrimp from Smith & Wollensky's to the tune of $103.

Wednesday night, my friend had her birthday dinner at Hooters. A plate of (delicious, btw)Buffalo shrimp goes for about $8.50.

The boss ended using 6 shrimp for his salad.

I was given one of the remaining shrimp.

It was a huge and delicious shrimp valued at $8.50.

But was it equal in value to a plate of Buffalo shrimp at the Manhattan Hooters at a birthday party for a hilarious girl?


Value, people.



Blogger Amanda said...

I told you are HOOKED!
Buffalo Shrimp could be the greatest dish in the whole wide world!
When do you wanna go back?

March 02, 2006 5:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously, can we go back?

March 09, 2006 4:22 PM


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